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Recent Events - Ralph, March 11th, 2005

Yup, I figured I should conjure up a few filler comics while Nathan is playing, stupid, retarded Tekken boring 5. Usually filler comics are lots of panels with stick figures and way too much text, who cares right? Since my artistic talent is, well let’s just say “lacking”, I thought I’d fall into the trap of sucky stick figure, but no siree. I found this awesome Half Life 2 mod that lets you place characters in whatever position you want them to be in – pure gold. Its extremely tedious, sometimes one panel (such as the tub one) can take me about an hour, or even longer, to fabricate. Ok, just sit tight and enjoy, there will be at least one more.

Website news - I am working on revamping the archives just a tad. We actually have a “comic archive” now, gasp. You can find it under the archive button. Nathan is working on the profile page, well at least he is supposed to. He might be playing stupid, retarded boring, freaking Tekken laggy 5. Laggy? Ahh... Hello. - Nate, March 8th, 2005

Yeeahhh.... Hhhiiiii.... Long time no see... *ducks as a shoe is thrown at him*

Sorry for the unexpected hiatus. I had just finished Senior Project a few weeks ago (which alone took up a good three weeks) and decided to take a well deserved break from drawing.

I guess I'll upload the pieces I did sometime, but not now.

Uh.. about the comic posted up right now... No comment. This is Ralph's little thing. I just okay'd it. It looks like it will be funny though, so just sit tight. This gives me some time to work on the next few comics.

Oh, and for those of you who aren't in the know, Tekken 5 has taken my soul. In fact, when I die I will go to neither Heaven or Hell. I will just live out a life of eternal servitude to Tekken 5 in his Grecian style palace. I hear that guy is pretty rough. He likes to use chains. CHAINS. With little nubs on them. Yikes. What the hell - Ralph, February 28th (or something), 2005

Wow i have no idea what Nathan is doing right now, so i will take the liberty to post some of his artwork (here). Phew, Done! - Ralph, February 19th, 2005
Wow, Senior Project was a bitch, but i got some sweet results, as does Nathan. I will go ahead and post a couple of pictures, i am writing up a really long walkthrough right now that will be posted here and on I think it will be fairly interesting. Anyways, here is a picture of a half way done case, kind of a teaser, more later with the walkthrough.

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